Quillayute Valley School District
Historical Demographics Including Total Enrollment Trends
SBA 4th Grade ELA
SBA 4th Grade MATH
SBA 8th Grade ELA
SBA 8th Grade MATH
SBA 10th Grade ELA
SBA 10th Grade MATH
Dual Credit Participation
Forks Junior-Senior High School
Budget Information
The OSPI’s definition of Per Pupil Expenditures (PPE) only includes the General Fund. The PPE used here includes:
- Capital outlays which are usually purchased from funds from local capital levies and local bonds,
- ASB Fund expenses,
- Transportation Vehicle Fund expenses,
- Interest on debt. This can be substantial since it is mostly bond interest from 10 to 27 year bonds.
The enrollments used in these PPE charts are Annual Average Full-Time Equivalent (AAFTE) enrollments.
Historical Total Expenses Per Student
Historical Total AAFTE Enrollment
Historical Compensation Information
- All compensation data are from the OSPI’s S275 reports.
- District Admin. includes duty titles of Deputy/Assist. Supt., Director/Supervisor, Other District Admin.
- Principal includes duty titles of Elementary Principal, Secondary Principal
- Teacher includes duty titles of Elem. Homeroom Teacher, Elem. Specialist Teacher, Other Teacher, Secondary Teacher
- Total Salary (Cash) = Base Salary + Supplemental Salary
- Total Compensation = Total Salary + Insurance Benefits + Mandatory Benefits
- Mandatory Benefits include pension funding and payroll taxes
- Inflation data source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)